August 5, 2015

It hasn't been long since the forger named Betracchi was arrested and sentenced and now there is a film about him. The filming was possible due to a mild form of imprisonment. This issue is now widely discussed. The question that has to be answered is if such a punishment has any deterrent or disciplinary effects? Perhaps, it would be more convenient for the state and injured persons if such criminals would never have been sentenced at all. The article about the film asks most of the questions which arise around counterfeiting. But the most interesting thing is the attitude of auction houses Christie's and Sotheby's. They didn't give any opinion at all. However, without them the Beltracchi's perfect selling strategy couldn't work out well, in other words - without their bad work. There certainly will be those who might say that auction houses don't care about what they sell, that the most important thing is the provision they get.


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