

Will we be able to guard our chinese antiquities?

February 7, 2011

The chinese antiquities are starting to break records at the auctions. In the past, Europeans exported a lot of objects from China. Now, Chinese are paying milions for these objects and bringing them back to China. Due to these purchases they will strenghten their patriotism. This trend will also bring  a risk for funds of European collecting institutions. The robbery and risk of falsification will definitely rise. Where is a demand there is an offer too. It is the same situation as in the nineties in western Europe, when there was a demand for the ecclesial art and other antiquities. The demand was satisfied by thefts in deposits and churches in the Czech republic. The question is if the concerned organisations are ready for this danger.
here You can find the whole article.     

The civic association registration at the Ministry of Interior

October 5, 2008

Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that the association Falzum STOP was registered at the Ministry of Interior on 26th of September 2008. The association will take action according to its program. We will offer help and correct services in the interest of all honour collectors and investors.  We belive that our services will be used also by honest gallerists which do not want to risk their good reputation. We are looking forward to the cooperation.

Dear visitors, collectors and investors,

Yes, you are in the right place. You are at the website, which was established by the association  Falzum STOP. As the name implies, our aim is to help you with purchasing an artwork in order to eliminate the negative consequences of purchasing a fake artwork. Financial loose, devaluation of a collection, eventually unnecessary, long and financially demanding court trials don’t please anybody. If you have ever realized a transaction and you are in doubt or if you actually know that you have became a victim of a fraud, we offer you a help with resolving these issues.

October 12, 2006

What led us to establish the association?

October 9, 2006

Since the nineties of the twentieth century, there is more and more information about fake artworks – paintings and sculptures - from currently demanded authors. In the professional circles the information spreads that certain artpieces are fake or that different galleries sell fake artwork. Despite these suspicions the number of fake art pieces is increasing. Some experts say that almost 40% of demanded artwork is fake.
Despite this information, only a few frauds that distributed fake items were sentenced and the penalty was low.
Another problem is the sale of stolen objects. For the buyer, purchasing a stolen object could lead to a confiscation of the object or to a court trial, criminal or civil. In any case, it is not a pleasant affair to deal with.


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